Zion Ministries Christian Center
Daughters of Zion
Did you know that in Christ, you are the perfection of beauty? It is God’s desire to shine through you. ‘Daughters of Zion’ is a fellowship of women that will help you to find your ‘shine’! Whether you are 18 or 88, you have an inner beauty, placed in you by God. It is essential that we meet regularly with our sisters in Christ! Here, we encourage each other to grow in the knowledge of who we really are. We’ll talk, laugh, pray, cry, listen, study, eat, and visit, while realizing our beauty. This women’s fellowship is dedicated to helping every woman achieve her potential, through the following objectives:
Encouraging each other’s growth in the Word
Building a strong network of supportive relationships
Helping women to realize their purpose and worth
Older women teaching younger women God’s precepts, so that His Word will not be blasphemed (evil spoken of) (see Titus 2:3-5)
Giving God glory in all we do

Times to be announced
For information please contact:
Elder Leslie R. Toliver
(408) 710-5216